EMMA Product Update – August 2024

Bill Harrison
Published: August 31, 2024

August was another big month for the EMMA team. In addition to making 10 production releases to the EMMA product, we also hosted our first in-person company retreat since before COVID.

Our 10 production releases included 39 new features, feature enhancements, bug fixes, and customer configuration changes. Here is a summary of what’s new in EMMA for August:

New Features and Feature Enhancements

  • We added a new “Export All” feature to the EMMA Change Log that efficiently creates large export files for complex Change Log queries. These exports can be created in realtime for queries containing up to 20,000 records.
  • The team enhanced the EMMA Change Log Revert Feature so that Admin users can easily back out changes to the EMMA database even for members that hold multiple active or inactive positions.
  • We simplified the New Member Entry Wizard in EMMA Membership Accounting to streamline the process of adding new members.
  • Engineers added configuration options to EMMA People Management that provide an easy way to exclude unused data fields from reports and queries.


  • We fixed an issue that was causing the incorrect date to be stored when entering an Adjustment Transaction in EMMA Membership Accounting.

Customer Configuration Changes

  • We activated the EMMA Advanced Grievance Email System for a customer who was previously using basic EMMA Grievances.
  • Migrated over 85,000 legacy grievance documents to EMMA at the request of a customer.
  • We added a set of new Job Classes to EMMA Membership Management at a customer’s request.
  • We updated the rules for how new members affiliate for a customer whose affiliation process has changed.

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